

Fe-mind is a platform for ambitious women to come together to share, plot, and take action.

fe. In the periodic table Fe stands for iron, the most common element on earth that makes up our planet's inner and outer core, it's abundant and essential for human life. It's symbolic of the natural, holistic, instinctual female strength within all women, a too often undervalued resource, that is critical to progress and peace.

mind. While that strength is powerful on its own, so much more can be accomplished together, especially when our most powerful tools are put to use. Let's lead with mind - thinking, feeling, questioning, engaging. It's about intentionally coming together to share and reflect, to analyze and question, and to collectively brainstorm and create.

fe-mind is the amplification of examples of this complex, varied innate power and wisdom, but it's also a place to put it to work, to search for a new way of doing things, and to experiment and build.

At and in our regular newsletter we explore the experience of women today, through original reporting, personal essays, and profiles. You will find perspectives from women around the world, reflecting on their experiences, reacting to news and research, and proposing new ways to do things.

Fe-mind membership offers deeper support and connection to help women on their unique journeys. Members are connected with a small group of women with share goals or challenges for Fe-mind Masterminds, regular virtual facilitated discussions to , and vote on new topics to be explored in our original reporting.

For women already building and growing organizations and ventures, we offer investment. The Fe-mind Founders Marketplace features products and services by female founders and enables others to support women with their purchase decisions, and together build a world with more women bosses.

Join the conversation by sharing your perspective on Fe-mind.

our history

Launched as “Milk” in 2015, by a group of friends, social activists, business strategists, and writers who were seeking a better forum to have the thoughtful, challenging, explorative discussions about what it meant to be a woman today. The popular conversations, media, and research were all telling us to just push harder, to imitate the male way that things had been done before, and to just have a bit more confidence. The main thing to be concerned about was, how to have work life balance. We expected more. We felt women had the tools and ability, and didn’t need to be empowered, they just needed the space and opportunity to get things done, themselves.

Since our launch the world has changed in exciting and concerning ways, we saw a woman get the closest in history to one of the world’s most powerful positions, we saw powerful men finally being held accountable for the actions, and we saw more people waking up to the reality of abuse and harassment that many women have learned to endure in their daily existence. New groups, organizations, communities have emerged to support and elevate women.

And yet, there is still so much work to do. Women’s stories are still told less often then men’s, their perspectives given less credibility in media and less financial support, and they are not given the benefit of the doubt in the same way as men.

It’s time for media that doesn’t prescribe to women what they should think, feel, and do. We don’t need to be empowered. We already are powerful. We know what we need to do. We just need the space, respect, and opportunity to get it done.

In 2019, Milk was rebranded as Fe-mind.